Monday, August 22, 2011

When Randomness Takes Over

I am not entirely sure why I'm doing this. I'm simply a girl with too many interests. Books, movies, music - you name it. Born in Indonesia, I came to the UK to study 7 years ago and this has broadened my horizon about various things significantly. I'm not an encyclopedia, I don't know too many things, but I love knowing more about the things I like or even those I don't like as long as my sense of curiosity still exists. A really good friend of mine encouraged me to write about them. I think it's a good idea. Perhaps I can express myself in a different way and do some "soul searching". I often feel lost, not knowing what I wanna do. I used to feel that my "randomness" has prevented me from becoming successful in one area. I sometimes fancy things that my peers are not really into. I'd like to think about this more positively though. I'm not a weirdo. Variety of interests means I'll learn about more things. Isn't life all about endless learning? I hope, by keeping this blog, I will be able to write about the little things that inspire me, random stuff I am interested in and share it with the others. Of course, I wouldn't expect myself to be able to write or comment like a professional critic. It's for fun afterall.

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